What is landscaping?
Landscaping can be seen as the art of shaping, caring for and integrating natural elements into an external space. Landscape design is usually the first step in creating a great outdoor space. Whether you choose a hard and soft landscape design will depend on your budget, needs, and style preferences. There are many different types of landscape designs available to meet these needs as outlined below.
What is hard landscaping?
Hard landscaping is the harder elements of landscape design, including paving, walls and fences. It can be made from natural materials like stone or wood and manmade materials such as concrete or plastic. Hard landscaping can be used to create paths, walls and patios and is the perfect way to add structure and definition to your outdoor space. It can also be used to create boundaries and separate one area from another.
What is classed as soft landscaping?
Soft landscaping is defined as the softer elements of landscape design. It includes plants and flowers, which are often used to soften hard landscaping. Soft landscaping is often used in conjunction with hard landscaping to create a cohesive look. Soft landscaping can be used to complement the hard surfaces found in urban areas or residential properties. For example, if you have concrete paving outside your business, you could include shrubs in your outdoor areas to soften its appearance and add colour to what would otherwise be quite dull surroundings.
Soft landscaping can also be used in other outdoor spaces such as playgrounds and parks. It comes in many different forms, including low-growing plants and shrubs, which can be placed between stepping stones or around trees. It can also be used to create a natural barrier or screen, which can help to reduce noise from traffic. The key to effective soft landscaping is choosing plants that are native to the area or suited for its specific conditions. The best time to plant soft landscaping is in the spring or early summer. It is important to choose plants that will thrive in your area and ensure they are well-established before you begin any construction work.
If you would like us to provide you with a quote for your landscaping, please do not hesitate to Contact Us